Corbridge (Private) - 38 Hill St NE45 5AA
Gosforth (NHS) - 2 Redesdale Ave NE3 3PP

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01434 632810

4 Fun Ways To Improve Your Children’s Oral Hygiene

young girl brushing teeth focusing on children's oral hygiene

When it comes to your children’s oral hygiene, you might have numerous questions. From determining the correct age to start using toothpaste, teaching effective brushing methods, identifying the best foods for dental health, and the importance of routine dental check-ups to the role of flossing – we at Beech Cottage Dental Practice have all the […]

6 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Smile for Summer

Women with healthy smile for summer

At Beech Cottage Dental, we believe that a healthy smile is the cornerstone of overall well-being. As the sun shines bright and warm and the sweet scent of summer fills the air, it’s time to embark on new adventures and create lasting memories.  Whether you’re planning beach getaways, outdoor barbecues, or lazy afternoons by the […]

Tooth Extraction Treatment: Everything You Should Know

Searching for Tooth Decay preparing for a tooth extraction

If you’re facing the prospect of tooth extraction, it’s natural to have questions and concerns. That’s why in this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to tooth extraction treatment. We’ll cover the reasons for extraction, the procedure itself, and more. What are the most common reasons for Tooth Extraction? There are several reasons why we, […]

How to Get Whiter Teeth: Teeth Whitening Tips and Tricks

Teeth Whitening Treatment

At Beech Cottage Dental, we know that a bright, white smile can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you. If you’re struggling with discoloured or stained teeth, we want you to know there is a solution.  In this post, we’ll be sharing our top teeth whitening tips […]

How can aesthetic realigning improve my smile?

patient looking in mirror at her aesthetic smile realigning happy with the legal aspects of her surgery

Aesthetic realigning is a term used to describe a range of dental treatments aimed at improving the appearance of one’s smile. From fixing misaligned teeth to replacing missing teeth, aesthetic realigning treatments can have a profound impact on a person’s overall appearance and self-esteem. A good smile is one of the most important social assets […]

How Do You Practice Good Effective Dental Hygiene at Home?

dental hygiene at home: Brushing Teeth to improve your oral health

Introduction Dental hygiene refers to the practice of keeping one’s mouth, teeth, and gums clean and healthy. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly to maintain good oral health. However, you can also practice good dental hygiene at home. Good dental hygiene is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing oral problems […]

How to look after your gums

how to look after your gums

Introduction Importance of Looking After your Gums Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy body and mind. It not only gives you a confident smile but also helps to prevent a range of oral health problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. To maintain good oral hygiene, it is crucial to […]